Sunday, 8 July 2007

Some old Paintings !

Years back, I had the habit of doing some paintings when ever I find myself free..or even I make myself free from other activities to do paintings.. I am not a good artist and all, but used to paint some small small stuff at least for my own satisfaction.. But now it has been many years since I touched the painting brush and pencil.. very long since I have done something of that sort...
Anyway here with, I am sharing some of the painting which I have done many years back...

Today, I was just thinking what is that keeps me away from all these interests.. what is that make my life so mechanical with out all these..! Is it my busy corporate life that keeps me away from this. Might be... But the question is unanswered..!

All this paintings may look so childish... yes of course, It was done long long back during my school days... paintings of a child's crazy mind...
Now it is high time to check if pencil and paint brush still suit me and it go according to my mind and wishes..!

Painting - A dance floor